Ruby Minerals

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Rubiesarenot was only seen as a symbol of luxury, but they are also known as the birthstone for the month of July. The name is derived from the Latin word “rubens” which translates to “red,” in reference to its vibrant shades of red. Rubies are a part of the corundum family and are only known as Rubies if they are in any shade of red, anything else would be considered a Sapphire. In fact, the most desired shade of red in any Ruby is named “pigeon’s blood,” it is a deep red with hints of blue. When exposed to ultraviolet rays the majority of rubies will glow, this is due to the UV rays interacting with the Chromium located within the rubies.

Ruby Minerals - Wholesale Silver

For centuries the world's main source for Rubies would come from Mogok Valley in Burma. Nowadays Rubies come from various parts of the world such as India, Thailand, Vietnam, Burma, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Africa, Australia, Colombia, Japan, Brazil, Greenland, Sri Lanka, and Scotland. Light Rubies or more commonly known as pink sapphires are often found in Sri Lanka. The larger Ruby deposits are located in Greenland.

Rubies are formed under the earth’s surface in extreme pressure and heat and are made from aluminum oxide. Usually, it results in being colorless but due to the replacement of other minerals with aluminum atoms, this contributes to the color. During the formation silica and iron are present, which prevents the formation of Rubies thus why it is almost rare to find.

In crystal belief, it is said that Rubie's aid with assisting the heart chakra and are said to be an uplifting stone. They are believed to promote wealth, love, and knowledge as well in helping improve energy and concentration, along with encouraging positive dreams and courage. Rubies are thought to be a protector of possessions and family.

Formation and Properties of Ruby Minerals

Rubies are a form of aluminum oxide and belong to the corundum family of minerals. They form under high-temperature and high-pressure conditions within metamorphic rocks such as marble and basalt. Chromium impurities in the crystal structure give rubies their iconic red color, ranging from pinkish-red to deep crimson.

Key properties of rubies include:

  • Hardness: 9 on the Mohs scale, making it highly durable for everyday use.

  • Luster: Glassy to adamantine, enhancing its brilliance in light.

  • Transparency: Varies from transparent to opaque, with clear rubies being more valuable.

  • Special Features: Some rubies exhibit asterism, a star-like pattern caused by needle-like inclusions.

Uses of Ruby Minerals

  • Jewelry: Rubies are most commonly used in fine jewelry, including rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. Their vibrant color makes them a focal point in both classic and modern designs.

  • Symbolism and Ceremonial Use: Rubies have been cherished as symbols of power, love, and protection. They are often given as gifts to mark special occasions like anniversaries and milestones.

  • Healing and Metaphysical Properties: In crystal healing, rubies are believed to boost energy, improve focus, and enhance emotional strength. They are also associated with the root chakra, promoting grounding and stability.

  • Industrial Applications: Synthetic rubies are used in various industrial applications, including laser technology, watchmaking (as bearings), and scientific instruments.

What makes a ruby valuable?

The value of a ruby is determined by its color, clarity, cut, and carat weight. The most prized rubies are vivid, pigeon-blood red with minimal inclusions.

Are all rubies natural?

No, rubies can be natural or synthetic. Synthetic rubies are created in labs and have the same chemical composition as natural ones but are more affordable.

What is the difference between a ruby and a garnet?

While both are red gemstones, rubies belong to the corundum family and are harder and more expensive than garnets, which belong to a different mineral group.

Can rubies fade over time?

Natural rubies do not fade with proper care, but excessive exposure to strong heat or chemicals can damage their surface or clarity.

What are ruby treatments?

Common treatments include heat treatment to enhance color and clarity and fracture-filling to reduce visible inclusions. Treated rubies are generally less valuable than untreated ones.

How to tell if ruby is real?

A professional gemologist can determine authenticity through tests like magnification and spectroscopy. Synthetic rubies may look flawless but lack natural inclusions.

Are rubies rarer than diamonds?

High-quality rubies are rarer than diamonds, making them more valuable in certain cases.

What is the largest ruby ever found?

The largest ruby is the "Liberty Bell Ruby," weighing over 8,500 carats. It was sculpted into a bell shape and is currently considered priceless.

Can rubies be worn daily?

Yes, rubies are durable enough for daily wear but should be cared for to avoid surface damage.

Are rubies associated with any zodiac signs or months?

Yes, ruby is the birthstone for July and is associated with the zodiac sign Cancer.